We dedicated our time and effort in growing the best ingredients for you and crafting the best product for your body.
Our food has a cult following in a niche audience
But we're so much more beyond that
Packaged healthy food at your service.
Buy more from Amere's E-Commerce
Charred Lemon Bruschetta
Cream Cheese Bittertif
Apple Cocoa Bitterleaf
Rissoto Snackers
Trail Mix with Primal Sauce
Sous Chef planning dishes
CMO in action
Bitter Almond Cake with Cider & Nuts Wine
Health food w primal flavours + seaweed based packaging - Crafted by the best team
Supporting local farmers can have a number of positive impacts on both the community and the environment.
Sourcing it RAW ->
We take pride in providing our customers with the freshest and highest quality products. Keeping it primal
keeping it primal ->
Feareless packaging. We spend the extra dollar to get your food to your house, safe
No Compromise Packaging->
Food that's built different. Inspired by our ancestors.